The fighters in Muay Thai fascinate audiences with spectacular displays. They attack each other for five rounds with outstanding athleticism and a strong will to succeed, encouraged by the cheering crowds.
Thai boxers must undergo long and extremely intensive training before they can participate in competitions. They must have studied a variety of attacking techniques to perfection and must master a repertoire of defense and counter techniques against all of the opponent’s attacks. Of utmost importance is complete training in all facets of physical fitness, as only thoroughly prepared athletes can succeed in competition. Should an opponent detect any weak spots, these will be attacked without mercy.
Intensive training is required to reach the level of a top athlete. The practitioner´s lifestyle must also be adapted to the requirements of the martial art. With the right training, though, a young athlete will have no obstacle to emulating the best athletes of Muay Thai. The Thai-Boxing training is also an excellent means for a fitness-oriented athlete to get in shape. Stamina, power, agility, and coordination are intensively worked and improved. The training is fun, helps to promote self-confidence, and reduces aggression. It is also very useful as a form of self-defense. Muay Thai is considered the most effective method of upright fighting and self-defense.
The best possible training plan depends on your goals for training, motivation and performance level. This is why the training differs somewhat between individuals. To achieve the best results in training, you must train consciously, meaning that you must clearly remember your goals in training time and again and as well as how you want to achieve them. If you train without clear goals and don´t question your achievement at regular intervals, you will hardly be able to recognize an improvement, will plateau in your performance, and will lose motivation.
This course shows ways for any Thai boxer to succeed. Regardless of whether you conduct your own training at home or as a supplement to club training, the course will teach you the essentials of training. You will find frequent reference to basics followed by inspirational descriptions of how current world champions succeeded in reaching their fantastic level of performance.